How is the amount of loss and damage cover determined?
How is the amount of loss and damage cover determined?
The amount is based on the vehicle's current Fair Market Value (FMV). The vehicle company maintains a table of FMV which is a standard used by many buy and sell authorities.
Basic coverages under health insurance: Room and board Doctor's fees Laboratory and diagnostic procedures Medicines (except vaccines) as medically necessary during ER treatment and confinement
The accessories which are standard to your vehicle will be covered. However, other non-standard/factory accessories are not covered unless it was declared prior.
The following are possible exclusions (not covered) under health insurance: Pre-existing conditions Congenital conditions Maternity-related conditions Other cases, illnesses, conditions or expenses / costs specifically stated as exclusions in the ...
The coverage will depend on your vehicle’s fair market value or FMV. It also usually comes with a deductible or a sum of money you pay as a participation fee in the claim.